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Download Kaspersky 7 kav until 04 2012

kaspersky internet security 7 + antiblacklist + key until 04-2012

Cara Intalasi

-Install software, pilih "activate later" kemudian restart

-Jalan Komputer dalam posisi safe mode (kalau masih belum paham coba cari toturialnya di you tube) dan double click on:
*clean.reg then yes
setelah itu restart dan jalankan komputer dalam  keadaan normal
sekarang aktifkan Kaspersky internet scurity dengAn key 2012.key dan update dengan update terbaru
enjoy kasperky mu udah aman dari black list....


-this works only for KIS 7 (not Kav 7 or kav/kis 2009 or kav/kis 2010 versions )

-crack 100% clean and you can test it in

-this work only in windows XP and Vista not W7

-you must run this crack in safe mode.

silahkan download disisni

Download Kaspersky 7 kav until 04 2012 Download Kaspersky 7 kav until 04 2012 Reviewed by zaenal abidin fauzi on Wednesday, February 02, 2011 Rating: 5

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